Maryland SPCA
As part of my coursework, I created this pet ownership infographic to complement an event communication plan for the Maryland SPCA. I designed this piece using Canva. Other supporting products included an event budget, timeline, and contingency plan.

U.S. Department of State
I created content to support several social media campaigns for the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. ECA’s Facebook and Instagram pages span nearly 500,000 followers.

GPA Grant News Weekly
GPA Grant News is a weekly e-newsletter published by the Grant Professionals Association. Reaching nearly 6,500 people, the e-newsletter features articles about budgets, sustainability, cultivation, program development, statements of need, and professional development.
Closing the Knowledge Gap: Sustaining Your Grants Department
Leveraging expertise within your grants department is a great way to maximize its potential. There is a wealth of untapped knowledge that lies dormant or siloed in individual staff. With the proper structures and procedures in place, this knowledge can be found, stored, and made accessible to the entire grants department, offering tangible benefits.

Art of Persuasion: Applying the Elaboration Likelihood Model to Grant Writing
Persuasion is defined as human communication that is designed to influence others by modifying their beliefs, values, or attitudes. It is embedded in everyday life. Persuasion is a technique used to increase the likelihood of others receiving a message in the way you intended and causing the desired outcome. Understanding persuasion will allow grantseekers to develop strong messages explaining how their program is effective in solving an issue.

GPA Strategy Paper
The GPA Strategy Papers offer practical solutions to current and emerging issues facing grant professionals.
Strategic Pivot to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: Crafting a Competitive Grant Application
This strategy paper describes how to incorporate diversity, equity, and inclusion in grant applications to strengthen your organization’s case for funding.